Container repair for transport damages and wear-out

A damaged container does not need to be replaced right away. At Alconet we regularly perform container repair as to extend the lifespan of the container. If you are looking for a reliable party which takes control of your container repair, we are more than willing to get in touch.

Transport damage or wear-out

From depot onto truck and from shipping vessel right onto freight train. The continuous loading and unloading of containers and the frequent transport can lead to transportation damages or wear-out of the container. Examples are rips and doors that do not close well. These damages may cause the shipping container to fail the certification standards. A non-certified container may not be used for safe transport. Therefore it is essential to repair your containers and at Alconet we understand that doing so in a timely manner is important to you.

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Container repair, testing and certification

Our mechanics are well trained to perform container reparations. Being a big player in the market of containers we are always aware of the latest developments. We always ensure that our knowledge and capabilities are up to date.

Alconet has the capacity and the facilities which are needed to repair a bulk amount of containers. Our depot is also equipped to test the repaired containers. Subsequently, the inspectors on the depot can check the containers and give out the appropriate certificates. The lifespan of the repaired container has been extended by a couple of years and the container can be safely used for transport, storage or other purposes just like it used to be.

Are you looking for a qualified and experienced organisation for container repairs? Get in contact with us, we would gladly inform you about the possibilities.


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